


1. 服务质量:评估参与者对产业园提供的各项服务的满意度,包括保安服务、清洁程度、维护情况、停车管理等。

2. 环境设施:评估参与者对产业园的环境设施满意度,例如建筑外观、公共区域、绿化景观、停车设施等。

3. 沟通反馈:了解参与者对物业管理团队的沟通反馈机制的满意度,包括信息传递、处理、问题解决等。

4. 租赁体验:评估参与者对产业园租赁体验的满意度,例如合同管理、租金支付、场地规划等。

5. 其他需求:了解参与者对产业园未来改进的期望和建议,例如增加服务内容、改善设施、提升管理水平等。

6. 指标量化:使用评分或排名系统,让参与者对每个指标或方面进行评估,例如使用五分制或十分制。

7. 开放性问题:在问卷中包含开放性问题,让参与者自由表达对产业园物业的意见和建议。



Design of a survey questionnaire on satisfaction with industrial park properties

When designing indicators for the survey of industrial park property satisfaction, the following aspects can be considered:

1. Service quality: Evaluate participants' satisfaction with the services provided by the industrial park, including security services, cleanliness, maintenance, parking management, etc.

2. Environmental facilities: Assess participants' satisfaction with the environmental facilities of the industrial park, such as building appearance, public areas, green landscapes, parking facilities, etc.

3. Communication and feedback: Understand participants' satisfaction with the communication and feedback mechanisms of the property management team, including information dissemination, complaint handling, problem resolution, etc.

4. Lease experience: Evaluate participants' satisfaction with the leasing experience in the industrial park, such as contract management, rent payment, site planning, etc.

5. Other requirements: Understand participants' expectations and suggestions for future improvements in the industrial park, such as adding service offerings, improving facilities, enhancing management levels, etc.

6. Quantification of indicators: Use a scoring or ranking system for participants to evaluate each indicator or aspect, such as using a five-point or ten-point scale.

7. Open-ended questions: Include open-ended questions in the questionnaire to allow participants to freely express their opinions and suggestions regarding the industrial park property.

When designing the indicators, ensure that the questions are clear, concise, and cover all important research aspects. Additionally, conducting a pilot test of the questionnaire can help ensure its clarity and effectiveness.
